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Life Tritó Montseny
Un símbol de la natura del Montseny
LIFE15 NAT/ES/000757
Project of conservation of an only species to the world
Evolution of the project Life Tritó Montseny
Asset Publisher

13th communication meeting
29/01/2021 14:30 h.
The communication commission continues to work on the dissemination of the project
The thirteenth meeting of the Life Tritó Montseny communication commission was held on Thursday 28 January. Due to the current health crisis, the meeting was held online. It was attended by ten representatives of the project partners, who reviewed the issues related to the communication of Life Tritó Montseny. Among others, they discussed the extension of the project, the new photographic exhibition, the monitoring data of the website, the 2020 press dossier and the itinerancy of the exhibition.
During the first four years of the project (2017-2020), the communication actions achieved their intended objectives. However, and given that the project will have a two-year extension, some of the communication actions will continue to operate as a result of the close link with others that are being extended because they have not yet been completed. For this reason, the communication committee will continue to meet, as before, every three months.
The committee was created at the beginning of the project with the aim of managing and monitoring communication and dissemination actions. It is made up of a communications representative from each of the partners (Barcelona Provincial Council, Girona Provincial Council, the Government of Catalonia through the Department of Territory and Sustainability and Catalan Forestry, and Barcelona Zoo) and meets quarterly to discuss and agree on content and proposals for dissemination of the project.
The creation of the committee has made it possible to approve the corporate image of Life Tritó Montseny; to maintain a constant exchange of information between the project partners; to help define a communication strategy agreed upon by the communication referents of the entities that form part of Life Tritó Montseny; to agree on the content of the communication materials: leaflet, information panels, children's book, exhibition, etc.; to establish a common reference criterion in the dissemination of the project; to establish a common reference criterion in the dissemination of the project's contents; and to establish a common reference criterion in the dissemination of the project's contents; establish a common reference criterion in the news published in the press, web content, social networks and informative material; compile and prepare the press dossier, with more than 120 news items that have appeared in the media (press, radio, television and internet) since the start of the project, and share the papers presented at the dissemination conferences and the scientific and dissemination articles published.