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Life Tritó Montseny
Un símbol de la natura del Montseny
LIFE15 NAT/ES/000757
Project of conservation of an only species to the world
Evolution of the project Life Tritó Montseny
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Life Trito at the Symposium on the Pyrenean triton
16/05/2017 16:33 h.
Presentation of the Life Trito Montseny at the "Symposium on the Ecology of the Pyrenean Triton: Knowledge, Conservation and Future Challenges".
During the "Symposium on the ecology of the Pyrenean newt (Colotriton asper): knowledge, conservation and future challenges" on 15 May 2017 organised by the University of Lleida, the Centre de Ecology Fonctionelle & Evolutive and the Catalan Studies Institute, Félix Amat and Manel Areste did the presentation off the Life Tritó Montseny project.
This meeting brought together several people involved and interested in the Pyrenean newt (researchers, NGOs, environmental managers,…) as well as other groups working in the Pyrenees.
The project's technicians highlight the high scientific level of the meeting, with the presence of the world's leading experts in the genus Calotriton and the good general reception which has had obtaining co-financing of the Life programme for the Montseny brook newt (Colotriton arnoldi).