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Life Tritó Montseny
Un símbol de la natura del Montseny
LIFE15 NAT/ES/000757
Project of conservation of an only species to the world
Evolution of the project Life Tritó Montseny
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The newt in Fogars de Montclús
27/05/2021 16:26 h.
The Fogars de Montclús Information Center projects images of the Montseny newt
At the Fogars de Montclús Information Center, four of the eight microcapsules of the documentary explaining the most relevant actions of the Life Tritó Montseny project are projected, as well as the documentary of the Montseny newt in 3D.
Capsule 1 reflects, among other aspects, the operation of the breeding centers, the release of specimens, research, actions to improve the habitat, the problem of infectious diseases in amphibians or environmental education actions.
In capsule 3, it is explained that in order to ensure the future of this species it is essential to expand its distribution area by releasing individuals born in captivity. This video shows what a release is like and the preparations involved.
In capsule 4 we talk about knowledge to conservation. Thanks to the Life Tritó Montseny project, different studies are being carried out to better understand the biology and habitat of the Montseny newt. This video shows how population monitoring is carried out and how the geology and hydrology of the Montseny streams are studied.
And capsule 7 talks about environmental education as a fundamental link in the project. "To know in order to love", this is the underlying idea of the environmental education activities of the Life Tritó Montseny project. The main objective is to raise awareness of the importance of conserving the Montseny newt and its habitat. In this video you will discover the activities and places where you can go to see the newt without harming it.
The newt in 3D is not a real filming, but it is a simulation of the life cycle of the Montseny newt from images recorded from the Montseny streams and photographs of the newt taken by the nature photographer Iñaki Relanzón. The author is Oriol Massana.
Public awareness and dissemination of the results of the project are one of the keys to continue preserving this endemic species of Montseny.