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LIFE15 NAT/ES/000757

Project of conservation of an only species to the world



Evolution of the project Life Tritó Montseny


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The class of the newt

05/06/2019 09:59 h.

Students from the La Muntanya school in Aiguafreda visit the Natura School in Parets del Vallès (GRENP)

On 4 June, 15 first-primary pupils from La Muntanya school in Aiguafreda visited the Natura School in Parets del Vallès. Daniel Fernández, specialist technician of GRENP (Grup de Recerca de l'Escola de Natura de Parets del Vallès) accompanied the children during the morning in this guided visit. To begin with, a talk was given to explain how the newts of Montseny are and how they live and what their natural habitat is. Afterwards, Daniel Fernández invited the children to get to know the equipment of the Escola de Natura de Parets del Vallès.

At all times, visitors showed interest in the Montseny newt and the Natural Park where it lives.


Reading the tale of the Montseny newt. Photo: Parets del Vallès Nature School
