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Life Tritó Montseny
Un símbol de la natura del Montseny
LIFE15 NAT/ES/000757
Project of conservation of an only species to the world
Evolution of the project Life Tritó Montseny
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Environmental Education
15/07/2019 02:04 h.
XI Meeting of Equipment for Environmental Education and Public Use of the XPN
On Thursday 4 July, several representatives of environmental equipment of the Network of Natural Parks, companies linked to environmental education, technicians from the Diputación de Barcelona and representatives of the educational world, among others, met to reflect on the methodology of Learning service and community service in the framework of the XI Meeting of Equipment for Environmental Education and Public Use of the Network of Natural Parks of the Diputación Barcelona, which took place at the Escola de Natura Angeleta Ferrer (Masía Can Miravitges) in Badalona.
As a conclusion to this meeting, a space was reserved dedicated to "Emerging diseases in amphibians: guidelines and biosafety guidelines for educational activities in the aquatic environment of Montseny". Gemma Pascual, a technician from the Girona Provincial Council, highlighted the problem of amphibian populations and presented the development of a manual of good practices with preventive measures to carry out discovery activities and alternatives to the manipulation of fauna by schoolchildren and teachers. The elaboration of this manual is the result of the work carried out by specialists in biosafety issues together with the environmental educators of the Montseny area.
The participative dynamics of the XI Meeting of Environmental Education and Public Use Equipments allowed attendees to discuss the needs, requirements and opportunities posed by community service for the different agents involved: nature equipments, education sector and public administration. It was attended by 30 people and was dynamized by the company Indic. It closed with a compilation of reflections, contributions and proposals worked during the day with the need and willingness to continue working folded from different areas to offer significant service learning experiences in the natural spaces of the Network.
For more information, you can consult the website Environmental Education in the Network of Natural Parks.