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LIFE15 NAT/ES/000757
Project of conservation of an only species to the world
Evolution of the project Life Tritó Montseny
Asset Publisher
Technical day to Fontmartina
27/02/2018 14:20 h.
The past Wednesday 21 of February, celebrated a technical day to Fontmartina, addressed to the personnel of the park involved in the project.To the meeting assisted so much save them forest, the workers of the gang of maintenance, how the technicians of the project Life Triton Montseny. All these people work directly to the habitat of this species protected.
During this first year that bring of project, thanks to the work of all the personnel of the park that has involved, have been able to put into motion the follow-up of the meteorological and hydrological data of the habitat of the triton of the Montseny.
Many thanks to all! Without you the work had not been possible!
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