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Life Tritó Montseny
Un símbol de la natura del Montseny
LIFE15 NAT/ES/000757
Project of conservation of an only species to the world
Evolution of the project Life Tritó Montseny
Asset Publisher

2nd Meeting of Hydrologists
17/05/2019 11:51 h.
On May 14, in Masia Mariona, took place the second meeting of the group of hydrologists of the project
The objectives of this participative workshop were to identify future lines of research work to understand the hydrological dynamics of Montseny and achieve the following results: Consolidation of the hydrology group; Defining specific needs; Correctly interpreting scientific work, gaps in knowledge and aspects that do not have a scientific consensus; Identifying the future lines of work to be followed by the hydròlegs involved.
The meeting, which brought together twenty-seven experts in the world of hydrology, was structured into several blocks of work:
Block 1: Brief presentation round; Review of the main conclusions of the first meeting.
Block 2: Presentation of the current state of the Life Tritó Montseny project; Presentation of the questions prepared for the development of the workshop; Individual work or by search groups.
Block 3: Dynamics to indicate which lines of work can give answers to specific questions.
Block 4: Dynamics to identify the types of projects normally developed by the entities involved (national, international, others), with the aim of enriching the information prior to the third meeting; Round of debate on barriers and opportunities with respect to the types of projects that have been carried out or that are planned for the future.
The need to create a technical working group to study the hydrogeology of the Montseny Natural Park and Biosphere Reserve (included in the Natura 2000 Network) arose from the first meeting of the committee of experts of the Life Tritó Montseny project (8 November 2018). At that time, the objectives planned for work were to learn about the hydrogeological dynamics of the Montseny massif, to establish a hydrological monitoring programme and to ensure the sustainable use of water. In addition to defining a working group, it was necessary to plan the lines of work in order to be able to carry out the research projects and agree on a model that defines the hydrological dynamics of Montseny.
Annelies Broekman and Anabel Sánchez, from CREAF, gave the dynamism to both the first and the second hydrological day.