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Life Tritó Montseny
Un símbol de la natura del Montseny
LIFE15 NAT/ES/000757
Project of conservation of an only species to the world
Evolution of the project Life Tritó Montseny
Asset Publisher

13/06/2017 13:19 h.
Visit of representatives from the rehabilitation centre of amphibians and reptiles in Catalonia at the Torreferrussa Wildlife Centre.
On Monday, June 12, two members of CRARC visited the facilities of the Montseny Brook Newt breeding program in the heart of Torreferrussa Fauna (Ctra. Sabadell/STA. Perpetua de Mogoda, km 4.5) which manages Forestry Catalana. In this visit, the representatives of the Torreferrussa and CRARC shared ideas in relation to the tasks of captive breeding that is already being carried out from the Wildlife Centre Torreferrussa.
CRARC participates in the Interreg POCTEFA programme called ECTOPYR, which aims to look at the effects of climate change in the Pyrenees. Within the framework of this project, CRARC will keep 100 Pyrenean newts in different environmental conditions and will evaluate how temperature increase can affect them. This experiment is closely linked to the Life Triton Montseny action A3 on the management and improvement of the captive breeding programme for the Montseny newt: technical development of naturalised aquariums.
The Life Trito Montseny project, at the same time, has among its actions the Networking with other institutions with similar objectives, for which reason we are satisfied to have common objectives in relation to the education, study and conservation of herpetological fauna.