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Life Tritó Montseny
Un símbol de la natura del Montseny
LIFE15 NAT/ES/000757
Project of conservation of an only species to the world
Expected results
Although the Life Tritó Montseny project will be implemented in a very specific river basin to safeguard a specific endemic species. the actions proposed are aimed at solving a global problem and possibly with serious consequences, which is taking place throughout the Mediterranean ecosystem, such as the exploitation of aquifers, degradation of riverside environments and loss of biodiversity. For this reason, the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the actions proposed in the Life Triton Montseny have a demonstrative vocation, directed to other Mediterranean sites with similar problems.
The main expected results of the Life Tritó Montseny are:
Consolidation of the breeding centres: 90% of the genetic variability of natural populations, no skeletal spermatic anomalies and quadruplication of larvae production. Doubling of the number of streams with Montseny brook newt, creating six new populations. Consolidated survival of existing wild populations.
Improvement or elimination of 90% of surface water catchment systems located in streams with
Montseny brook newt. Reduction of current water extraction and thus increase in environmental flow.
Improvement of wastewater treatment in 75% of houses in the range of the Montseny brook
newt. Installation of collection and reuse of rainwater and grey water in 50% of the houses in the
newt’s range.
Increase river connectivity in 90% of intersections between roads and tracks and streams with
Montseny brook newt. Increase area of native riparian forest by 50% and increase its biological quality.
Draft and approve the Montseny brook newt conservation plan and its action programme. Complete all legal and bureaucratic procedures to give legal recognition to the species at national and European level.
Annual monitoring of the state of conservation of the Montseny brook newt and threat level. Expand knowledge of the species’ biology and ecological requirements. Strengthen ecological monitoring stations (LTER) with a robust methodology. Obtain regular indicators. Transfer 100% of data and reports from Life to the PN-RB Montseny information system and to GBIF (Global Biodiversity Information Facility)
At least 4 articles published in journals of impact and 10 publications or articles. At least 15 lectures or presentations. Participation in at least 4 international conferences. 50,000 visits to the website. Publish the ten commandments of good practice and commitment from a minimum of 10 professionals in the field of Montseny, to implement them. Life Montseny project presentation in 90% of the municipalities in Montseny PN-RB. Active participation in educational programmes (min. 12 schools and colleges). A 90% response to requests for information or documentation. Have records and satisfaction surveys carried out during workshops.
Photo: Daniel Guinart.