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Life Tritó Montseny
Un símbol de la natura del Montseny
LIFE15 NAT/ES/000757
Project of conservation of an only species to the world
Evolution of the project Life Tritó Montseny
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The newt comes to school
01/02/2019 01:38 h.
The Life Tritó Montseny project exhibition reaches schoolchildren, hand in hand with the park rangers.
Toni Álvarez, forest ranger of the Montseny Natural Park and Biosphere Reserve, brings the project's exhibition to primary school students. Toni visits the schools of the municipalities where the exhibition of the newt of Montseny is carried out.
On January 14 he visited the Aqua Alba school in Gualba to present the exhibition to fourth graders, who showed great interest in expanding their knowledge of the Montseny newt. Toni valued very positively the good knowledge that the students had of this amphibian and the habitat where it lives. After the theoretical presentation, all together visited the exhibition of the Montseny newt that was temporarily located in the Masia Can Figueres (Gualba).
On February 12, a second school visit took place. This time it was at the Vallmanya school, in Sant Esteve de Palautordera. Toni Álvarez explains the project to the pupils of two classes in the third year of primary school, who also showed great interest in learning more about the species and the habitat where it lives.
Students at the newt exhibition. Photo: Vallmanya school
The third school visit took place on 10 May to the fourth grade pupils of the Montseny school, in the town of Breda. This time, the presentation was made coinciding with the fact that the exhibition was located in the Centre Cultural Els Forns. Toni also appreciates this visit very positively.
The last visit in 2019 was on December 16. Toni Álvarez made a guided visit to the exhibition of the newt with the students of third and fourth grade of Farigola de Seva School (23 students of 3rd and 13 students of 4th grade).
With the title "My name is Calotriton and I only live in Montseny", this exhibition is made up of eight panels and a scale reproduction of the Montseny newt that will help us to get to know this species which is an endemism of the torrents of the Montseny Natural Park and Biosphere Reserve (included in the Natura 2000 Network).
The tour was carried out through the eighteen municipalities of the Park.