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Life Tritó Montseny
LIFE15 NAT/ES/000757
Project of conservation of an only species to the world
Actions Sensitisation
Progress of Actions E:
E. Public awareness and dissemination of results
E.1. Environmental information at local and visitor level: strategy and media relations
Operational objective 6. Involve and engage the territory's stakeholders in the conservation of riverbank habitats, their biodiversity and in particular the Montseny newt
The aim of the action is to draw up a communication strategy that defines the messages to be disseminated, the different types of recipients of information and the most efficient means of making information available. The communication strategy must relate and interconnect the news disseminated to the press, blogs and web content, information on social networks and in the information material (analogical and multimedia) generated within the framework of Life Montseny.
To establish a good strategy, a communication plan will be drawn up and the development of contents and their dissemination will be planned. This Communication Plan should also establish mechanisms to facilitate visual identification of the project from the outset and provide an online platform where all stakeholders can track and consult on project progress.
E.2. Environmental information at the local and visitor level: elaboration of the corporate image
Operational objective 6. Involve and engage the territory's stakeholders in the conservation of riverbank habitats, their biodiversity and in particular the Montseny newt
The aim of this action is to create a separate brand for the project that accompanies the corporate images of the EU and the project partners.
The purpose of having an image of Life Montseny is:
- To give visibility to the European Union and the project partners, as institutions that provide resources for the conservation of the Montseny newt and biodiversity in general.
- To visualize the coordination of several actions linked to an endemic species and the common objective of conserving the riverside forests.
- Homogenize the different actions for public awareness and dissemination of project results.
- Configure the range of services, networks and products to make the messages clearer and communicate the overall dimension of the project.
Life Triton Montseny graphic image.
E.3. Environmental information at local level and visitors: "Life Tritón Montseny" website.
Operational objective 6. Involve and engage the territory's stakeholders in the conservation of riverbank habitats, their biodiversity and in particular the Montseny newt
The creation of a specific web site for the project will be one of the main dissemination elements and an important tool for the technical and administrative work of Life Triton Montseny.
The website will have a public and a private part.
The private part will be used to exchange information between project partners and to share documents and reports. The internal part will support online discussions on specific topics, as well as to monitor the progress of the project and to prepare reports. It will be one of the most used and important tools available to technicians and staff working at Life Triton Montseny, since it will be where there will be general information on the various actions of the project and will also be a means of internal transfer of information and digital documents.
The public part of the website will be used to disseminate project information. This public part will link to the websites of each partner, as well as other relevant European project websites. The public website will also be used to announce events related to the programme. The website will be linked to the LIFE Montseny social networks, where it will be possible to consult both the evolution of the project and to deposit the contents of all the actions that are being developed.
Project website.
E.4. Environmental information at local and visitor level: social networks
Operational objective 6. Involve and engage the territory's stakeholders in the conservation of riverbank habitats, their biodiversity and in particular the Montseny newt
Social networks have become the fastest means of disseminating information, while at the same time establishing bonds of loyalty between the interested public and the project. The social networks that will be promoted to Life Triton Montseny will be mainly Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. In all these social networks, specific pages or channels of the Life Tritón Montseny project will be created.
Social networks.
E.5. Environmental information at the local level and visitors: promotional material for Life Tritón Montseny
Operational objective 6. Involve and engage the territory's stakeholders in the conservation of riverbank habitats, their biodiversity and in particular the Montseny newt
The promotional material of the project aimed at the general public will be based in particular on the production and publication of information leaflets, a short video explaining and promoting the project, as well as information panels. In addition, more specific material will be produced for teachers and schoolchildren, which will be incorporated into the existing educational programmes of the PN-RB Montseny and the Barcelona Zoo.
Information leaflet.
E.6. Environmental information at local level and visitors: networking
Operational objective 6. Involve and engage the territory's stakeholders in the conservation of riverbank habitats, their biodiversity and in particular the Montseny newt
Networking is aimed at expanding contacts and collaborations with public and/or private entities participating in projects similar or related to the Life Triton Montseny project. Networking will involve positioning Life Triton Montseny in strategic partnerships or dynamic working groups at local, regional, national and European level, with objectives linked or related to the management and conservation of amphibians, riparian habitats and biodiversity in general; to disseminate the results of Life Triton Montseny, to find answers to emerging problems and to contribute new experiences that will be implemented throughout the life Triton Montseny.
During the implementation of Life, networking with other similarly targeted projects will be encouraged and information and experience-sharing activities will be facilitated. It is considered that the development of this action will not involve any additional costs; in the event that this should happen, they will be assumed by the coordinating partner DIBA, and/or with technical staff of DIBA.
Graphic image of Life Montserrat and Life Clinomics.
E.7. Environmental information at the local level and visitors: Layman's report
Operational objective 6. Involve and engage the territory's stakeholders in the conservation of riverbank habitats, their biodiversity and in particular the Montseny newt
The informative reports generated within the framework of Life Tritón Montseny will allow us to have documents that explain the objectives, actions and results of the project (in a simple way for laymen in the field), to disseminate the actions that have been carried out and the results obtained. All this with the aim of disseminating the nature conservation values in general of the project, explaining and justifying its financing with public funds and, also with the aim of adding synergies and activists in the cause of the conservation of riverside habitats, in a first instance of the PN-RB Montseny, but definitely throughout the Mediterranean area.
Photo: Daniel Guinart.
E.8. Local environmental education: exhibition "The Montseny newt and the riparian habitat".
Operational objective 6. Involve and engage the territory's stakeholders in the conservation of riverbank habitats, their biodiversity and in particular the Montseny newt
Design and preparation of an informative exhibition that will have a travelling and therefore temporary character. This exhibition will present, in a didactic and understandable way by the general public, several aspects related to the Montseny newt and its riparian habitat, such as the history of its discovery and the different populations known, the biology of the species and its habitat, the main threats and impacts that are derived, the background of the search and management, the objectives and actions of the Life Triton Montseny project, as well as the history of the search and management, the objectives and actions of the Life Triton Montseny project, as well as the list of good practices that favour its conservation and its habitat.
The exhibition consists of eight panels.
The exhibition consists of eight information panels.
E.9. Local environmental education: education and awareness campaign: documentary film "El Tritón del Montseny".
Operational objective 6. Involve and engage the territory's stakeholders in the conservation of riverbank habitats, their biodiversity and in particular the Montseny newt
As part of the education and awareness campaign, this action aims to produce a documentary on the Montseny newt. The main line of argument will be the ecology of the Montseny newt and the importance of riparian habitats for the conservation of this species. The documentary will address the problems of its conservation, exposing the main threats. It will also illustrate the activities carried out under the Life Triton Montseny project to improve its conservation status.
The documentary will be a dynamic element, which will evolve as the Life Triton Montseny project progresses.
Short-lived fragments will be edited and published throughout the project, which will be selected and integrated into a final version in the last phase.
Photo: Lluís Martínez.
E.10. Local environmental education: educational programme within the scope of the Montseny PN-RB
Operational objective 6. Involve and engage the territory's stakeholders in the conservation of riverbank habitats, their biodiversity and in particular the Montseny newt
Reinforce the educational programme of the PN-RB Montseny "El Montseny en la escuela" with support materials on the Montseny newt by the educational community. Specifically, materials will be designed and produced for the middle primary cycle, corresponding to the unit "El Montseny y el agua", in which the pupils know the Montseny newt and the problems and conflicts associated with the water cycle. Some of the actions developed within the framework of the Life Triton Montseny will provide interesting information to show, the results of water management on riparian ecosystems, the evolution of populations of triton, good practices, etc.
Educational programme of the PN-RB Montseny.
E.11. Local environmental education: Barcelona Zoo educational programme
Operational objective 6. Involve and engage the territory's stakeholders in the conservation of riverbank habitats, their biodiversity and in particular the Montseny newt
Programme of educational activities to publicise the species, its biology and habitat, its problems and successes in maintaining its survival.
Graphic image of the Barcelona Zoo.
E.12. Training and awareness-raising programme on good forestry practices in coastal habitats
Operational objective 6. Involve and engage the territory's stakeholders in the conservation of riverbank habitats, their biodiversity and in particular the Montseny newt
The purpose of this action is to instruct park personnel, forest owners and related companies on the environmental benefits of applying good forestry practices, as well as to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of implementing them.
Workshops will be held in order to reach a consensus on forestry practices that favour sustainable exploitation that is fully compatible with biodiversity conservation. The conclusions of these participatory workshops will be the basis for the drafting of a manual of good practices for the use of the natural resources of the riverside habitats.
Photo: XPN Archive.
E.13. Technical-scientific conferences on the diffusion of Life Tritó Montseny
Operational objective 6. Involve and engage the territory's stakeholders in the conservation of riverbank habitats, their biodiversity and in particular the Montseny newt
The aim of the action is to participate actively in technical-scientific training workshops, conferences and congresses of national and international character, to explain the Life Triton Montseny project and the management for the conservation of the Montseny newt. At the local level, local days were organized on the actions carried out and a final conference of Life Triton Montseny on the actions carried out to improve the state of conservation of Triton del Montseny.
During the first quarter of 2017, the technical-scientific dissemination days of the project have been planned and initiated. Click here to view the Calendar of technical and scientific conferences of the project Life Tritó Montseny (this caldendar will be updated over the life of the project).
Photo: XPN Archive.