Newsletter No. 9 / April 2021
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The project is extended

Iñaki Relanzón

The project is granted a two-year extension in order to achieve the planned objectives 

13th communication meeting

Iñaki Relanzón

The communication commission continues to work on the dissemination of the project

Photographic exhibition

Iñaki Relanzón

The photographic exhibition of the Montseny newt and its habitat is published

8th bulletin

Life Tritó Montseny

It gathers the project news from October, November and December


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The Montseny Natural Park and Biosphere Reserve
Masia Mariona Ctra. 5119, km 2,5 (Mosqueroles)
08479 Fogars de Montclús
Diputació de Barcelona
Diputació de Girona
Generalitat de Catalunya
Zoo de Barcelona

This project is financed with teh LIFE Program of the European Commision